KpRm standalone offline installer for Windows can be downloaded for free. It removes unnecessary apps from your system and gives it a thorough cleaning.
An overview of KpRm
This is a little tool that can be useful if you want to thoroughly purge your system of other programs that make folders in places that most users don’t typically check.
To complete disinfection, utilize KpRm; it eliminates the following software:
AdliceDiag (Gen-Hackman) Advertisements
AdsFix (Hackman Gen)
Malwarebytes AdwCleaner
Batch_Man (AHK_NavScan)
Gillespie, Michael, aka AlphaDecrypter
Avast! Software (AswMBR)
Michael Gillespie’s AuroraDecrypter with the regist’s AutorunsVTChecker
Avast! Software’s Offline CryptoMix Ransomware Decryptor
Swandog46’s Avenger
Michael Gillespie’s BitKangarooDecrypter
BitStakDecrypter (Emsisoft) BlitzBlank (Michael Gillespie)
Michael Gillespie’s BTCWareDecrypter
Gmer Catchme
Verify Browsers LNK (Regist & Alex Dragokas)
Askey127’s CKScanner
(Gen-Hackman) Clean_DNS
Alexander Dragokas, ClearLNK
CMD_Command (Hackman, General)
Kaspersky Labs’ CoinVaultDecryptor
Combofix (sUBs)
Michael Gillespie’s Crypt38Decrypter, CryptoSearch, and DDS (sUBs)
Emsisoft’s CryptON Ransomware Decryptor
The jpshortstuff defogger
Gillespie, Michael, DCryDecrypter
The Eset Online Scanner
FilesLockerDecrypter (BleepingComputer) FixExec (Michael Gillespie)
Farbar (FRST)
FixPurge (FSS; Farbar; McVivien2)
Kaspersky Labs’ GetSystemInfo
Michael Gillespie’s GhostCryptDecrypter
Michael Gillespie’s GIBON Ransomware Decryptor, GooredFix (jpshortstuff), and GrantPerms (Farbar)
Michael Gillespie’s Bruteforcer, HiddenTear
Michael Gillespie’s HiddenTear Decrypter
Funkytoad, aka HostsXpert
BleepingComputer’s Hosts-perm.bat
Michael Gillespie’s InsaneCryptDecrypter
Fred de Vries and Paul McLain’s JavaRa
Michael Gillespie’s Jigsaw Decrypter
Tool to Remove Junkware (Malwarebytes Corporation)
ListCWall (Computer Bleeping)
ListParts (Farbar)
LogOnFix (Xplode)
Malwarebytes Corporation, or MBAR
MBR Examine (a_d_13)
mbr.exe (Gmer)
Michael Gillespie’s MicroCop Decryptor
Tool Minireg (Farbar)
Smalltoolbox with Farbar
MKV (C_XX & El Desaparecido)
M AV’s Mole02Decryptor
Laddy’s OneClick2RP
Old_Timer (OTA)
Old_Timer (OTC)
Old_Timer (OTH)
Old_Timer, or OTL
Old_Timer (OTM)
Old_Timer (OTS)
Pre_Scan (Hackman, Gen)
Michael Gillespie’s PowerLockyDecrypter
Close Process (Gen-Hackman)
Gen-Hackman’s QuickDiag
Decryptor Rakhni (Kaspersky Lab)
Decryptor Rannoh (Kaspersky Lab)
Michael Gillespie’s RansomNoteCleaner
Xplode RegtoolExport
Fix the VBS Worm (bartblaze).
Antivir Report (Laddy)
CHKDSK Report (Laddy)
Rkill (Grinler)
FirstAssociations (Xplode) (scr) (exe) RogueKiller (Tigzy)
Xplode’s RstHosts
ScanRapide (Dual)
Kaspersky Labs’ ShadeDecryptor
Cleaner Shortcut (BleepingComputer)
Oneself (C_XX)
Screen 317 of SecurityCheck
Michael Gillespie’s StrikedDecrypter
Michael Gillespie’s StupidDecryptor
The Symantec Kovter Removal Tool
Lookup System (jpshortstuff)
SFTGC (Pierre13)
Kaspersky Labs’ TDSSkiller
Old_Timer TFC
ToolsDiag (Amesa)
UAC-LEVEL (Amesam)
UAC Supervisor (Xplode)
UnHide Your Computer (Bleeping)
Michael Gillespie’s Unlock92Decrypter
USB Data Recovery (Streuner Company)
USBFix (The disappearing and C_XX)
UnZacMe (Hackman, Gen-)
DE-BUG Webroot (Webroot)
Kaspersky Labs’ WildfireDecryptor
WinChk (Xplode)
Xplode’s WinsockAnalyzer
Fixing WinUpdates (Xplode)
XoristDecryptor (Kaspersky Labs)
Nicolas Coolman, ZHPCleaner
ZHPDiag (Colman, Nicolas)
ZHPLite (Nicolas Coolman)
Nicolas Coolman’s ZHPFix
Zoek (Smeenk)
Technical Specifications and System Prerequisites
Operating systems supported: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 7.
RAM: 2 GB of RAM (memory); 4 GB is advised.
200 MB or more of free hard disk space