Filedime 0.9.54 By Visnkmr - freeware

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Created By: Visnkmr

Version: 0.9.54

License Type: freeware

Vishnu N K Filedime is available for Windows PCs at no cost. It is an open-source file explorer made to give users a smooth file system navigation experience. It uses Tauri for frontend development and Rust for the backend, combining strong capabilities to improve file management.

An overview of Filedime

It is a feature-rich file explorer designed to be both effective and intuitive. Its quick and easy-to-use interface and strong backend architecture provide a seamless file management experience. It is an open source, nearly feature-complete file explorer implemented in Tauri (for frontend and front-backend intercom), Ollama (Go), and RAG (Python) for file querying. Rust is used for all filesystem interaction and backend.

Support for Multiple Windows

Users can work with numerous directories at once thanks to its support for multiple windows. Opening and splitting new windows is a simple way to organize your workflow.

Tabs for Simple Navigation

You can easily browse through your files with its tab feature. The context menu allows you to access files or folders in new tabs, which makes switching between locations easy.

File monitoring and hot reloading

You can keep up with real-time file changes with its hot reload capability. Keep an eye out for updates to markdown, HTML, or any other compatible file so you always have the most recent version available.

Quick and Agile Search Find files as quickly and responsively as possible with a program similar to fzf. You can find files fast with its search feature, even in enormous directories.

Computation of Folder Size

It handles your disk space effectively with its folder size computation tool. Learn about the sizes of folders that are similar to Baobab (Disk Usage Analyzer) in terms of responsiveness and speed.

Putting in bookmarks

For convenient access, bookmark commonly used files or folders. You can bookmark objects to make sure you can get to important places fast.

Details Display

You can use the details screen to sort files in the list view according to size, date, or other parameters. This will provide you with a thorough overview of your files, facilitating easier file management and organization.

Delicate Aspects


Path autocomplete to provide quicker navigation and integration with Ollama API for file queries

File types displayed at the current location

To see the location and device vendor name of files, hover over them.

Multiple programming languages supported with a count of lines of code (LOC)


System prerequisites


System software: Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7

Processor: 2.4 GHz recommended processor, minimum of 1 GHz

RAM: 2GB; it’s advised to use 4GB or more.

Free Hard Drive Space: It is advised to have 200 MB or more


In summary

Offering a complete file management solution, Filedime combines robust functionality with an easy-to-use interface. It supports tabbed browsing, multi-window navigation, and real-time file monitoring, so it may be used by professionals as well as casual users. It gives you the tools to stay productive, whether you’re managing a complicated directory structure or organizing your files.


5.0 mb

Direct Download

Password Unzip: 123

Created By: Visnkmr

Version: 0.9.54

License Type: freeware