Get the most recent version of DiskMax for free, a standalone offline installer that works with Windows to optimize performance and execute effective disk cleanups.
An overview of DiskMax
Carry out thorough disk cleanups and performance enhancements to maintain the health of your computer. Your system will feel more powerful after utilizing DiskMax; apps will start more quickly, files will open more quickly, and games will perform better. Use DiskMax periodically to maintain the health of your system.
DiskMax’s features
Automates information debugging, clearing away installation residue, and emptying your recycle bin (if applicable).
eliminates all of a user’s browsing history, temporary files, temporary internet files, cookies (if any), recently opened documents, thumbnail cache in Explorer, and Windows error reporting logs.
removes DLL caches, temporary files, debugging information, internet logs, help center caches, repair information, Windows update roll-back files, and unnecessary legacy cursors (if applicable) from Windows.
eliminates registry entries for several listings of the Most Recently Used
removes event logs from Windows (no other program performs this)
allows you to delete all files of the types log, old, prv, chk, swp, bak, gid, wbk, tmp, and dmp by doing a thorough hard drive scan. This tool is meant only for experienced users.
Reorganize the files to provide faster access.
Technical Specifications and System Prerequisites
O.S. supported: Windows 7/8/10/11
CPU: Pentium IV or above RAM: 1 GB (two gigabytes preferred)
200 MB or more of free hard disk space